Brain injury results in a sudden change of life .....
The one thing we all have in common is a brain injury if you are a survivor. The injury affects not only the person but their family and friends as well. We didn’t ask for it but it came into all our lives in a sudden way from many different causes. The result was a sudden change of life. Brain injury affects people in similar ways for anyone around the world. The one thing that suddenly changes is the way we relate to other people. This can be in some of the following ways: - We may have a fuzzy way of relating to other people but that can change with time from a very black and white approach to people towards a more intuitive approach to people ...... sensing what people are saying on the inside
- Physically connecting with other people .... you do not drive any more (As you cannot take in all the intuitive information from the driving environment). You may use public transport instead or someone drives you around (as in my case .... now thirteen years on from my former injury in December 1995 .... my wife Harriet drives me around ..... (see the photo above)
For those on the Internet, we find we can use the Internet for social contact. I think that is very true in my case as my e-mail network is easily over a thousand people around the world. People are in countries as far flung as America, Australia where I come from, the United Kingdom, Germany, Canada, India , Singapore etc.
My Blog Site and Website Listings as at July 2007:
This is for Ken Aitken in Australia. Each of these Blog or Web Sites are generally Hot-linked. Click on the site and it will open up in different window. The Blog Sites are through Blogger (see …. A free website service, otherwise the a website is hosted by a hosting company with several hundreds $$ renewal fee / year.
_____________________________ Travel:
Italy Trip in 2005
__________________________ France Trip in 2007 ___________________________ My Personal Background:
I grew up in the 1950’s and 1960’s at Wilsons Creek, up in the mountains out from Mullumbimby in Northern New South Wales, Australia. I was raised on a banana plantation amidst the steep slopes of rainforest and wet sclerophyll (gum) forest and occasional cliff outcrops. The creek we swam in was a very clear, clean freshwater rainforest creek with big deep pools. People now in the City, would give their `eye’ teeth for it as my late father used to say.
______________________ Christian Spirituality Website: ____________________ My main global website: New Earth Community is a website on a new Cyberspace community around the world called ‘New Earth Community’ …. This community linked by the Internet in Cyberspace. This community is meant to bring a new sense of belonging with the a real discovery or affirmation of identity through the Sustainable Life. The basis of this life is one which has the ability to be continually renewed and maintained. The Sustainable Life has three elements to it:
This Community is one of new inner being and friendship ... based on a Christian Worldview. This Cyberspace Community has a Vision of Wholeness with Sustainable Solutions for life which will continue to work in the years to come ..... it is a life motivation and encouragement website.
The outworking of this life is told in my recent story ‘The Rosewater Story’ at this section of the website. I ran a small Landscape Design and Construction Company called ‘New Earth Systems P/L’ for 20 years doing very creative, individual designer gardens for wealthy residential clients around Brisbane . I was more an artistic sort of person, a lateral thinker ..... more artist than businessman. I thought of a landscape as would a sculptor in a solid medium, but I saw it as a three-dimensional piece of space which people walked through. This space changed with time as it grew and changed with the time of day: shadows vs. sun patterns, boulders, colour, plants, trees, earth-forms, solid structures and water. These were the ingredients in a subtle flow of landscape design and construction. Rather an intangible product to sell and run a business with!! Out of this stage I built a structure for my life: my marriage with Harriet, business and the house plus we had a family. See the website on the house.____________________________________
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